Nature Photographer

A nature photographer is a special breed. They normally also have special equipment and a particular temperament.  As far as equipment goes, a nature photographer needs a good camera body and a variety of lenses, ranging from wide angle to telephoto. Temperament must include patience - it is not possible to control nature and sometimes it becomes a waiting game. One hears stories of nature photographers waiting in awkward positions and uncomfortable situations to capture an image of an uncooperative subject, only to be disappointed and having to return on another occasion for another chance. However, nature photographers often live by the motto "the ends justify the means".

A nature photographer who has captured that special image of an animal or scene, where everything just comes together, will undoubtedly go back for more. A nature photographer will sometimes say nature photography is addictive. Of course, one has to be outdoors to do nature photography and a love for nature and the outdoors go a long way.  Attention to detail also helps. Each nature photographer has a particular style and they seldom overlap. Each nature photographer has something different to offer - a different angle or something unique. A nature photographer can be professional or just enjoy the hobby.

Nature photography is suitable for most levels of proficiency and there is always room for growth. Nature photographers therefore often hone their skills over a long period of time and spend considerable amounts of money on improved equipment in the pursuit of their quarry, which remains ever elusive. However, when everything comes together, the result is spectacular.